The aim of the study is to investigate how mindfulness based cognitive therapy affect to visually handicapped individuals’ level of depression. These issues were investigated in a study involving 21 adults who regularly attend to a rehabilitation centre. Participants are between 18 and 41 years of age. To measure the levels of depressive symptoms, Beck Depression İnventory has been used. After applying pre-test, participants attended Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy treatment. These sessions have included 10 sessions each 90 minutes. The end of the sessions, Beck depression inventory has given to participants to obtain their post-test scores. Pre-test post-test design with a single group has been used in this study. The datas analyzed by Wilcoxon signed rank test and according to findings, participants’ depression scores significantly decreased after Mindfulness based cognitive therapy treatment.
Keywords: Visual impaired, mindfulness, depression, Cognitive Therapy