The main objective of this study is to analyze the attitudes toward working women, individualism, collectivism, gender based system justification and ambivalent sexism in Turkey and Macedonia. In research, Attitude towards Woman’s Working Scale (Kuzgun ve Sevim, 2004), Individualism Collectivism Scale (Singelis ve ark., 1995), Gender-Specıfıc System Justıfıcatıon Scale (Kay ve Jost, 2003) and Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (Glick ve Fiske, 1996) were used. There are 216 participants within the Turkey sample and 127 participant within the Macedonia sample. It was revealed that women’s score on attitudes toward working women were more positive than men’s score in both samples. In Turkey sample, attitudes toward working women is predicted negativly by collectivism and gender based system justification and hostile sexism and positivly by individualism. In Macedonia sample, education predicts positivly and hostile sexism predicts negativly the attitudes toward working women. When variables were examined with regard to culture, it is found that attitudes toward working women are more positive in the Turkey sample than the Macedonia sample. Additionally, Macedonia sample’s gender based system justification scores and ambivalent sexism scores were higher than Turkey sample.
Keywords: Working Women, Attitude, Individualism, Collectivism, Gender, System Justification, Contradictory Emotions