Parenting attitudes and perception of the children about parenting attitudes have an influence on many different developmental skills of children, especially the social skills. The aim of the current study is to examine the effects of parenting attitudes of mothers and children’s perceived maternal parenting attitudes on children’s emotion recognition skills via the mediator role of perceived parenting attitudes of children. 130 second grader children and their mothers living in Ankara participated. Kusche Emotion Inventory, Egna Minnen Beträffande Uppfostran (sEMBU-C) child form were used as measurements for children while EMBU Parent form and a demographic form were used as measurements for mothers. Results showed that children whose mothers were high in emotional warmth got higher receptive emotion scores; while children, whose mothers scored higher in rejection, got lower receptive emotion scores. In addition, children’s perceived emotional warmth about their mothers mediated the relationship between mother’s own emotional warmth and receptive emotion scores of children positively; while children’s perceived rejection about their mother mediated the relationship between mothers’ own rejection and children’s receptive emotion scores mediated the same relationship negatively. Oveprotection had no predictive role on emotion understanding of children. Limitations of the current study and suggestion for future studies were discussed.
Keywords: Emotion Recognition in Children, Parenting Attitudes, Perceived Parenting Atitudes.