In this study, the experiences related to the coparenting process of married and living together couples with children aged 0-18 in different regions and the context of Turkey have been investigated. The phenomenological approach, as a qualitative research, was utilized in the present research. Within the scope of the study, face-to-face interviews with a total of 60 married couples were conducted in urban and rural areas of İzmir, Ankara, and Van provinces. In this study, Demographic Information Form and Semi-Structured Interview Form developed by the researchers were used as tools for collecting data. The analysis of qualitative data was carried out in three phases: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. While the findings of the study have indicated that fathers in the urban areas are more involved in childcare process and manage the process in cooperation/division of labor with their spouses; during the interviews conducted in the rural areas, it was determined that childcare responsibilities were frequently fulfilled by the mothers. It is seen that more emphasis is placed on coparenting agreement in urban areas, whereas a parenting agreement generated by the mother and approved by the father was more emphasized in rural areas. While the examples related to disagreements in the process of the coparenting both in rural and urban areas are given, it was noted that the theme of no conflict was more frequently highlighted in rural areas. Significant differences and similarities have been identified in terms of coparenting patterns in families by different socio-economic statuses and regions/contexts. The findings were discussed and the recommendations for implication and research were provided.
Keywords: Coparenting, phenomenological approach, qualitative research, semi-structured interview.