Many studies have shown that the positive emotional bond between people and places influences the well-being and life quality of individuals. Although this has been demonstrated by studies conducted in places of different scales, including neighborhoods and cities, evidence is needed to reveal how the university campus influences the quality of life of its students. So, the main aim of the current study is to figure out the role of university identification in the relationship between university campus attachment and life quality. A total of 296 university students (226 female, 68 male, 1 non-binary, 1 not stated) completed Group Identification Scale, University Place Attachment Scale and WHOQOOL-BREF-TR. A path analysis by using jamovi was carried out to test the effects of exogenous demographic variables on the endogenous variables. Findings demonstrated that sense of security in the campus and the satisfaction with the physical and social facilities of the campus positively predict campus attachment. In addition, our results suggested that university campus attachment has a positive indirect effect on the quality of life through the identification with the university. Our results implied that university authorities should take into consideration the effect of campus atmosphere on life quality of students.
Campus attachment, place attachment, university identification, quality of life, university students.